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quarter mile造句

"quarter mile"是什么意思  
  • It ' ii take my boys two days to cover the quarter mile
  • The tank goes dry a quarter mile from the pits
    在离大坑1 4英里的地方油箱空了
  • The tank goes dry a quarter mile from the pits
    离柏油坑还有0 . 25迈的时候油箱彻底空了
  • When i was on the track team , i used to run the quarter mile
  • When i was on the track team , i used to run the quarter mile
  • When i was on the track team , i used to run the quarter mile
  • Twenty - three seconds a quarter mile ? - he didn ' t finish . .
    23秒跑了14英里? -我知道他没有跑完全程
  • Twenty - three seconds a quarter mile ? - he didn ' t finish
    - 23秒跑了1 4英里? -我知道他没有跑完全程
  • - twenty - three seconds a quarter mile ? - he didn ' t finish . .
    - 23秒跑了1 / 4英里? -我知道他没有跑完全程
  • I only had to drive another quarter mile down the road to the college
  • It's difficult to see quarter mile in a sentence. 用quarter mile造句挺难的
  • Oh , almost a quarter mile
  • After the first quarter mile , a runner usually gets his second wind and can breathe better
  • The 2 and a quarter mile long akashi keiko bridge joins the japanese island of honshu and awaji for the very first time
  • Now i would have to get out of the car and make my way in the rain to the old farmhouse i had seen about a quarter mile back
    现在我不得不从车里出来,在雨中往回行进到离这里大约1 / 4英里处看到的老农舍去了。
如何用quarter mile造句,用quarter mile造句quarter mile in a sentence, 用quarter mile造句和quarter mile的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。